PRD: Juice Shop🍹

Objective ✔️

Turning my Juice Shop business into an online platform aims to provide easy access to various juices and reduce crowding.


  • Display a list of available juices with their descriptions, such as their impact on health, price, and more.

  • Provide contact information for easy communication.

  • Home delivery.

  • User-friendly interface.


  1. Product Catalog

    • Display juice card

    • Price

    • Add to favourites

  1. Book for any special ocassion

    • Party (eg. Birthday, Wedding, etc)
  1. Contact details

  2. Juice customisation

Future Features

  • Live tracking

  • Online Payment

User Stories🤔

  1. We must be able to customize our juice size (e.g., small, medium, large).

  2. A user-friendly interface makes interaction easier.

Technical Requirements👨‍💻


Success Metrices📈

First 100 visiter on our platform.


Basic skeleton can be done within one day.